Life In Focus With Bill

Life In Focus With Bill Pyant ... Let's Talk

Bill Pyant, host of Life in Focus with Bill Pyant, has lived in, and around, the Detroit Area his entire life.Born in Detroit, Michigan, Bill grew up on the northwest side of the city where he attended in the neighborhood schools. At that time, Detroit schools were transitioning from white to black due to the exodus of white americans to the suburbs. As with any change, some people have difficulty adjusting. Although he never volunteered to be a leader, leadership found him. He was always the one that other students came to when they needed help with their problems. When it was time to attend high school, his parents relocated to Novi Michigan, a white suburb near Detroit. He went from attending a school in a majority black school district, to being the only African American male in the school. It was a culture shock, but one that he was more than ready to survive. Although the landscape had changed, Bill was still the one that other students came to when they had problems.

After graduating from Novi High School, he attended Michigan State University in East Lansing,Michigan. While there, he worked on the university staff as a Minority Aid and later as a Complex Coordinator for students attending MSU. He was a student advocate, helping minority students that faced problems with academics, bullying, racism and more. At that time, he realized he had a passion for helping people. It is also at that time; he developed a passion for the Lord, and he gave his life to Christ in August of 1977. From that point on, he has always tried to help people find solutions to their problems using the Christian values that are taught in the bible.
Currently Bill is an Elder at a local church in Southfield Michigan. He works with the Marriage and Family Ministry, the Men’s Ministry, and the Christian Education Department as a teacher. He counsels people as a minister and tries to help people find solutions to their problems. Listening to people, finding out their thoughts and opinions of issues today is key. Discussing what they can do to make better choices. Showing them how the bible can help them find the answers they are looking for to make that change. “I try to help people change their life by focusing on Christian principles. Life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.” Join me for,” Life in Focus” with Bill Pyant


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Domestic Violence

National Domestic Violence Hotline

1.800.799.SAFE (7233)



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Waiting On Failure


Building Healthy Relationship episode 2

Building Healthy Relationships Episode 3

Building Healthy Relationships With Episode 4

God's Priorities Episode 1

God's Priorities Episode 2

Mental Health and the Black Community


To speak to William Pyant at (248) 790-4073

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